When Visiting the MoMA, Please Dont Touch the Nudes


Now to get even less clothed, there was lots of talk over the weekend about Maria Abramovic‘s The Artist is Present exhibition currently at the Museum of Metropolitan Art. More specifically about how the eight nude performers she uses therein have been poked, prodded, or otherwise groped in the line of artistic duty. While this behavior has been surprising to all involved (why we’re not sure, but they’ve said they expected more from the general public), fortunately the museum has reportedly been active in removing those who get too close to Abramovic’s work:

One performer, a dancer called Will Rawls, told the New York Times that an elderly man rubbed his ribs and then touched his backside. “As he was passing me he looked me in the eyes and said ‘You feel good, man.'”

Rawls alerted a security guard and the man was escorted out, his 30-year membership of the museum revoked.

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