Wedding Accents That Are Preciously Pink!

“Make it blue!” “Make it pink!” Princess Aurora of Disney’s “The Sleeping Beauty” was always my favorite fairytale princess. Growing up, it was hard not to dream of having a pink gown to dance away forever with my prince charming. On a more serious childhood pink note, when I was young, my mom made three piles in order to do my laundry: lights, darks, and pink. A girl can never have too much pink! The anytime rosy hue is too important to be left out of your wedding day. From bow accents to lace and tulle, pink can, and should, be anywhere you could dream of at your wedding– even on the groom! If you’ve got your heart set on tying the knot in springtime, a light, rose petal pink is a way to sneak it in on the softer side, while summer’s vibrant coral is pink’s hot colored companion for your pairing pleasure. Check out the following picks in the slideshow for ideas on how to sneak pink into your wedding. After all, the saying should be something new, something borrowed, and something pink!

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