Waiting for Superman infographics trailer

Produced by directing team Buck, this animated ‘pledge’ trailer is for the forthcoming Davis Guggenheim film, Waiting For Superman, that investigates the crisis in the US education system…

David Guggenheim directed An Inconvenient Truth and with Waiting For Superman turns his attention to the problems in the US public schools system. According to the infographic-laden trailer, the US is currently has an enormous social problem on its hands with a child dropping out of high school every 36 seconds – that’s 1.2m a year.

The trailer neatly illustrates the inequalities that follow a broken education, but reinforces the huge benefits (to the individual and society) that a successful, working schools system can bring.

The ‘pledge’ trailer is a collaboration between Buck and takepart.com for Participant Media and director Davis Guggenheim. More on the film at waitingforsuperman.com.

Music and mix by CypherAudio.

Buck credits:
Creative Director: Ryan Honey
Executive Producer: Maurie Enochson
Producer: Eric Badros
Art Director: Joe Mullen
Animation: Jorge R. Canedo Estrada
Original Music: John Black

takepart.com credits: 
Co-producers: Carolyn Sams, Wendy Cohen

Via designobserver.com

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