Vostok Cabin by Atelier Van Lieshout

Vostok Cabin by Atelier Van Lieshout

Dutch studio Atelier Van Lieshout have created a mobile, indestructible dwelling with an armoured shell.

Vostok Cabin by Atelier Van Lieshout

Made of steel plates reclaimed from boats, the living unit is furnished with benches, a toilet and a wood stove.

Vostok Cabin by Atelier Van Lieshout

Called Vostok Cabin, the project was commissioned by Fondation 93 and is on show at the Cite de la Science in Paris until 13 March 2011.

Vostok Cabin by Atelier Van Lieshout

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Vostok Cabin by Atelier Van Lieshout

Here are some more details from Atelier Van Lieshout:

Atelier Van Lieshout, Vostok Cabin, 2010

Huge change is no longer in the past or future but in the present. Our society as we know it and have known to be safe is fast-changing.

Vostok Cabin by Atelier Van Lieshout

Value systems of yesterday are no longer relevant. A new civilization is ahead of us. This ideological society offers choice; are we able to find alternate ways of living, another model or are our days counted?

Vostok Cabin by Atelier Van Lieshout

The changing climate, growing poverty, wars and more are only expanding. This movable nomadic dwelling unit provides shelter from this disconcerting situation.

Vostok Cabin by Atelier Van Lieshout

The armored shelter is made from old steel plates recuperated from demolished boats together with other leftover material from our current society.

Vostok Cabin by Atelier Van Lieshout

The material due to its previous life is crooked, damaged and irregular. There is no straight edge to be constructed from these disastrous supplies.

Vostok Cabin by Atelier Van Lieshout

The Cabin looks like an improvised defense/attack apparatus made by a local blacksmith in order to have a better chance of survival in times of revolution and civil war.

Vostok Cabin by Atelier Van Lieshout

Inside you find an improvised toilet, woodstove, and benches. It is virtually indestructible.

See also:


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van Lieshout
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