VisionWorks Award 2009: Big Prizes for Vertical Gardens, Bacteria Packaging and More!



Congrats to Manuel Dreesmann who received the first prize at this year’s VisionWorks Award – Cargopacks 2020! His future concept GREEN envisions a more sustainable future through vertical gardens that add a green and sustainable skin to future buildings.

The jury says: “The winning concept Green by Manuel Dreesmann stood out for three reasons. It uses no packaging, solves transportation and distribution problems through on-site production, and uses the concept of vertical farming in office buildings as the basis for a future-focused vision that can have a positive impact on the climate and atmosphere at the workplace.”

URBAN MOLE by Philipp Hermes was awarded with the 2nd prize, BACS by Mareike Frensemeier and WATER AHEAD by Mathias Rauch both received the 3rd prize.

Cargopacks 2020 is the title of this year’s VisionWorks Award. The award challenged young design students from all over Europe to envision and design for future scenarios. The VisionWorks Award was initiated by Bayer MaterialScience in cooperation with Airbus, DHL and Hettich.

Watch more photos after the jump!


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