Vimeo Awards voting opens

The shortlists for this year’s Vimeo Awards have been announced with public voting now open. The winners of each category receive a grant of $5,000.

The Vimeo Awards apparently had 15,000 entries from 147 countries this year, according to the organisers. A judging panel will decide the winners but with input from a public vote which is open until April 30.

Categories include Motion Graphics (for which Koji Aramaki created Wave Reflection, below and still shown top), Advertising, Experimental, Animation and Music Videos.

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There will also be three honorary awards: the
 Social Change Award, for a project that has used online video for social impact; the
 Digital Maverick Award, for someone who has ‘changed the landscape of online video’; and the
 New Creator Award, given to ‘the newcomer who impressed us most during the past 18 months’.

See all the shortlisted films here


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