Vimeo Awards 2012 Open For Entries

Vimeo is on the hunt for top film-making talent for its second Vimeo Festival and Awards. There are 13 categories to enter this year and the top film-maker(s) will receive a grant of $25K, along with the admiration of the creative industries…

Vimeo launched its award scheme last year, and the 2010 awards received over 6,500 entries. Nine winning films were chosen: two of these are shown below, to give you an idea of the calibre of work the awards attract. First up is a piece by Onur Senturk, who picked up the Best Motion Graphic gong. Since winning, Senturk has been commissioned by Paramount to create the motion graphics credits for Transformers: The Dark Side of Moon. Here’s his film:

Next is the winner of the Best Animation Award from 2010, which went to Eran Hilleli, a young animator from Israel, who following his win has worked on an animated ad for Honda via Wieden + Kennedy. Shown below is his winning film, Between Bears.

This year the event is expanding to include four new categories, bringing the total to 13. The list of categories in full is: Advertising, Action Sports, Fashion, Lyrical, Narrative, Experimental, Animation, Captured, Motion Graphics, Music Video, Series, Documentary, Remix. Each category winner will receive $5,000, with the Grand Prizewinner receiving $25,000. Entry fees are $20 per video, or $5 for Vimeo Plus and Pro members, and entrants can submit any original work that has premiered anywhere online between July 31, 2010 and February 20, 2012.

Vimeo has lined up a set of esteemed judges so far, including David Droga for Advertising, Nick Knight for Fashion and Stacy Peralta for Action Sports. The full list of judges will be published in the new year. The closing date for submissions to the awards is February 20. For all information, visit

In other Vimeo news, CR has launched its own Vimeo Channel. You can find it here. We will regularly update it with a selection of our favourite Vimeo finds, so keep an eye on it!

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