V&A acquire work by Nendo, BCXSY and Fredrikson Stallard

Dezeen Wire:
the V&A museum in London has purchased work by designers including Nendo, BCXSY and Fredrikson Stallard using a new acquisition fund for contemporary design.

Announced by the V&A and the Outset Contemporary Art Fund in Basel this week, the first collection comprises:

The details that follow are from the V&A:

Outset Contemporary Art Fund and V&A announce first purchases using new acquisition fund

Outset Contemporary Art Fund and the V&A have announced today details of the first collection of pieces which were purchased following the establishment of a fund to acquire examples of the best contemporary designs.

A panel of design experts, led by Christopher Wilk, V&A Keeper of Furniture, Fashion and Textiles, selected the pieces, which include works by Fredrikson Stallard, Nendo, BCXSY, Platform and Satyendra Pakhalé. The furniture will be displayed in the Museum during the London Design Festival: 17 – 25 September 2011 and will then form part of various V&A exhibitions and galleries (see below for full details)

The Fund, was launched in March 2011 at a Gala event at the V&A, hosted by Yana Peel, Co-founder and Co-director of Outset Contemporary Art Fund and Ben Evans, Director of the London Design Festival and Francis Sultana, Chair of the Design Fund Patrons. The Gala was generously supported by Nadja Swarovski, Vice President of Corporate Communications and Creative Director.

Sir Mark Jones, V&A Director, said: “We are very grateful to Outset for supporting the V&A and enabling us to acquire such wonderful contemporary design pieces for the collections.”

Ben Evans, Director of the London Design Festival said: “I am delighted that the acquisitions from the Outset Fund are going to be put on display for the first time during the London Design Festival. The V&A is our hub venue and our programme there is the highlight of the Festival.”

The fund organisers are also partnering with Æsir Copenhagen, a pioneer in the design world, which has just launched a handcrafted mobile phone by Yves Béhar. This fund has also been made possible by contributions of fifteen individual patrons. Yana Peel commented: “We are very pleased that the generosity of Outset patrons has resulted in the largest donation to date for the acquisition of design at the V&A. The exemplary objects purchased through the Outset Design Fund to Benefit the V&A will have a meaningful impact on the permanent collection and serve as an important extension of our work in supporting public institutions through private patronage.”


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