Upcoming “European Design Since 1985: Shaping the New Century” exhibition

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pComing up in June: Atlanta’s A HREF=”http://www.high.org/” High Museum of Art/A is mounting an exhibition called “A HREF=”http://www.high.org/main.taf?p=3,2″ European Design Since 1985: Shaping the New Century/A.” As A HREF=”http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2int_new=36404″ IArt Daily/I reports/A,/p

blockquote”Shaping the New Century” [is] the first comprehensive assessment of Western European design from 1985 to 2005. The exhibition traces the evolution of design with nearly 200 works by some of the most influential artists of this era, encompassing furniture, glass, ceramics, metalwork and a broad range of product design created by 117 designers from 14 Western European countries….

p”This exhibition includes some of the most iconic designs of the time, instantly recognizable but rarely seen in person outside of major American and European cities,” stated Ronald T. Labaco, the High’s curator of decorative arts and design. “The High’s permanent collection includes some of the finest holdings of 19th- and early 20th-century American decorative arts in the country, and this exhibition gives us the opportunity to showcase the next chapter of design history.”/blockquote/p

pAs Labaco alludes to, the exhibition will not limit itself to post-1985 pieces; a separate section will look at the roots of both Post-Modernism and Modernism by examining the Geometric Minimal, Biomorphism and Neo-Pop./p

pFor more info, A HREF=”http://www.high.org/main.taf?p=3,2″ click here/A.br /
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