UNITEA by Fionn Tynan O’Mahony in The Changing Room at Dezeen Super Store

Interlinking ceramic cups with spouts that allow tea to flow from one to the other are on display in The Changing Room, a former changing space at Dezeen Super Store.

Tea set by UNITEA at Dezeen Super Store

Small corks can be inserted into the spouts to stem the flow of tea once the cups are full.

Tea set by UNITEA at Dezeen Super Store

The tall thin cup at the start of the chain holds the same amount of tea as the short, wide one at the end.

Tea set by UNITEA at Dezeen Super Store

Fionn Tynan O’Mahony presented the project at the Edinburgh College of Art degree show, and these sets are some of the first produced commercially.

Tea set by UNITEA at Dezeen Super Store

Dezeen first saw the cups at the New Designers graduate exhibition in London earlier this summer.

Tea set by UNITEA at Dezeen Super Store

They are available to purchase at the store and each set of five cups costs £250.

Tea set by UNITEA at Dezeen Super Store

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Dezeen Super Store
38 Monmouth Street, London WC2
1 July – 30 September 2012

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in The Changing Room at Dezeen Super Store
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