Unitasker Wednesday: Underground time capsule

time-capsuleAll Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Let me start off by saying I have nothing against time capsules, but lets face it they are a way to stow away some clutter for viewing on a later date. The contents of the time capsule will most likely be toys from your youth and perhaps a newspaper clipping or two.

This brings me to the Underground Time Capsule. It stores your capsule-worthy items in a plastic tube with a fake rock as a lid. Wouldn’t making your own time capsule be much more fun? How about using an old food jar of some kind? Your children could decorate it anyway that they would like. They could even draw a map on how to find their homemade time capsule. And, you’ll have a receptacle for some of your children’s clutter before they bury it for safe keeping.

The amount of creativity that is lost by purchasing such an item reminds me of the snow man kit unitasker from a few weeks ago.

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