Unitasker Wednesday: Thumbthing

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

It’s the Thumbthing! It does the same thing your thumb does, but with thin pink plastic!

Instead of bending your thumb so that the knuckle rests on the right-hand page and the tip of your thumb rests on the left-hand page (or vice versa if you’re left handed), now you just stick the Thumbthing on your thumb and it does the tedious work for you!

(Anyone else thinking Daffy Duck would be the perfect spokesduck for this product? No? Just me?)

The product’s FAQ page tells us all we need to know about the Thumbthing:

What is so great about the Thumbthing?
There is nothing else like it, it is beautifully designed, and it is so simple to use. It fits neatly onto your THUMB like a ring and does not clip onto the book at all! This means turning the page is as simple as ever. And of course it makes reading more comfortable and much much cooler!

That’s right, “much much cooler.” Thanks to reader Pippi for tipping us on to this week’s awesome unitasker.

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