Unitasker Wednesday: The Krustbuster

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

When did knives become too difficult to use? When did crust become something you don’t eat? When was using your fingers or a chopstick ineffective for pinching two pieces of bread together? When did we become a people demanding the production of the Krustbuster?

Next thing you know, there will be a device made just to dispose of the sandwich-crust border! Actually, my favorite part of this device is its packaging, which promotes the Krustbuster’s “multi-uses”:

So! Many! Sandwiches! But how in the world do they use it on s’mores’ crunchy graham crackers?? Maybe stale graham crackers? Where is a YouTube video when you actually want one?

Thanks to Erik for sharing this wonderful unitasker with us.

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