Unitasker Wednesday: The Chompr

chompr1All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

The Chompr is a device to help you eat your hamburger without the mess. It is a concept design that will surely launch hamburger eating into the 21st century. Why use a knife and fork to cut the hamburger in half, when you can reach for the Chompr instead?

I can see the infomercial now: Billy Mays screaming into the camera about how hard it is to eat hamburgers only to assure the viewer that all their hamburger eating prayers have been answered in the form of the Chompr. “Now you can enjoy your hamburger without having to shower afterward!” 

According to the designer, the Chompr will be marketed to high-end restaurants with clientele that can’t afford condiments dripping from their hamburgers. The Chompr will surely be the benchmark for which all restaurants will be measured. Is your dining establishment considered high-end? If you want the high-end clients, you’ll have to make sure that all hamburgers are served in an elegant walnut and polished aluminum Chompr.

Thanks to reader Chris for bringing this unitasker to our attention.

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