Unitasker Wednesday: The Bacon Platter

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Mmmmmmmm, bacon. Bacon is so yummy, but it is extremely difficult to detect when it’s on a table next to other breakfast foods.

Voice-over: Does this happen to you?
[Camera pulls back to show a helpless woman sitting at a table.] Woman: [Stabbing an egg with a fork.] Is that bacon? [Tastes food on fork.] No! Yuck! Those are eggs. I’m so full and I haven’t even figured out which plate has bacon on it!

To end the confusion and help your family know which food is bacon and which food isn’t, you need to put it on the obvious Bacon Platter!

Warning! The Bacon Platter is for bacon only. You and your family will be even more confused if you put sausage, pancakes, or other breakfast foods on it. And you don’t want to confuse your family, do you?

Also, when serving bacon on your awesome Bacon Platter, you should definitely consider using canned bacon. There is no bacon like canned bacon.

Thanks to reader Linda for finding the Bacon Platter and bringing it to our attention.

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