Unitasker Wednesday: Cupmen Instant Noodle Figure

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to buy these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

If it weren’t for instant noodles, I might have starved in college. Back then, I could buy 10 servings for $1. I would add vegetables or meat or even pasta sauce to them if I had some extra cash. I remember months when I ate them twice a day, every day. I continue to be incredibly nostalgic about instant noodles and will make some when the mood strikes.

In addition to being inexpensive, instant noodles are also idiot proof. If you let them sit in water too long, you have soup! If you don’t let them sit in water long enough, you have yummy, crispy noodles! They’re the perfect food for anyone who hasn’t yet mastered basic cooking skills. Which is why I am completely dumbfounded by this product:

The Cupmen Instant Noodle Figure rests on the lip of your steeping noodles and tells you when they’re “done.” In three minutes, the plastic, heat-sensitive Cupmen Figure transforms from a little blue guy into a little white guy. When he’s all white, you know your noodles are ready to eat. Yay, unnecessary plastic doodads!

I prefer to simply poke a fork at my noodles and see when they’re the consistency I prefer. A fork and my eyes seem to work extremely well. If you want to get high tech, you could even set three minutes on your watch, microwave, or timer … things you probably already own, and don’t have to buy or clean or eventually toss into a landfill.

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