Typography and Type Design 101: Reading Lists

While strolling through Typographica.org’s logs I discovered that lots of folks are reaching us by Googling for typography classes or educational material and ending up on this outdated post. That thing is old and moldy and links to a dead page. So why not build a new list of course materials that is current and relevant? What books, websites, articles, and other resources are typography and typeface design teachers recommending to their students today?

I’ll start with two good lists:

  • Gerry Leonidas has recently begun adding pages of references used for the Master of Arts in Typeface Design (MATD) program at Reading University. This is his short list specifically geared to students preparing for the program.
  • Dan Reynolds teaches typography and type design in Germany. He graduated from the afore-mentioned Reading University and is as well-read as anyone I know. His recommendations are grouped by Type Design, Type History, and Typography.

Two books about type design that are not included in these lists are Reading Letters, published this year, and Cómo crear tipografías (How to create typefaces), also published this year and currently available in Spanish only. I am not a full-time instructor, but from what I’ve seen these appear to be worthy additions to the very few good books about making type.

Teachers, tell us what references you recommend to your students. Or, link to your reading list. Please include the level of the course (beginning, intermediate, or advanced) and its focus (using type or making type). Students, chime in too!

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