Type Tuesday: Valerie Roybal’s collages

Valerie Roybal has a new collection of original collages available through Enormous Tiny Art. I personally own one of her collages and their surface appeal and finish in person is quite exquisite. (Valerie participated in our Old School exhibition/book and is contributing an article on collecting vintage photographs for the next issue of UPPERCASE magazine.)

Valerie’s artist statement: “My work is primarily composed of and/or inspired by vintage, salvaged, and collected materials. I enjoy the process of finding materials and the possibility of re-purposing them: reinventing use, intention, or aesthetic, and the transformation into something dissimilar or unexpected. Much of my work frequently consists of layered surfaces: bits and pieces from discarded books and magazines, found vintage pottery and glass, antique postcards, handwritten letters and recipes, obsolete reference material, thrift store textiles, and mysterious random objects, especially objects of the natural world. Order, association, and reverence emerges from the collecting, sorting, arranging, and placement of each accumulated piece into a whole.”

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