Tomorrow in Portland: Transportation Planning for the 21st Century


What’s more fun than sitting in a dim room with fellow designers and watching slide after slide after slide? Well, maybe getting outside, mixing it up with other designers, architects, planners, and engineers and taking it to the streets to learn about effective transportation reforms by riding bikes, learning about shiny new streetcars, and watching rain drops gather into bioswales.

Starting tomorrow, a great group of designers, planners, and engineers nationwide will all be heading to Portland, Oregon for the 2009 Transportation Summit, hosted by the Cascadia Chapter of the Congress for the New Urbanism. This multidisciplinary team of experts will meet to discuss the latest in cutting edge transportation reforms to promote connected, multi-modal street networks, which can help solve many transportation, safety, land use and urban design problems that plague our cities.

Successful design solutions also help to reduce carbon emissions, increase pedestrian safety, reduce emergency response times, and create economically viable cities, towns, and main streets.

Check out for all the details.


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