Tom Fereday’s solutions: Lighting, furniture, alternative energy, and more

We’re digging the range of stuff in Australia-based Tom Fereday’s book. First up is his Sakana Light, “an LED powered ceiling light which uses fibre optic lighting in conjunction with re-cycled packaging:”


Then there’s his airy Stack Chair, inspired by grocery store shopping carts, which nests horizontally to save space when not in use:


On the alternative energy front is Fereday’s (patent pending) SolarStand, a rollable solar panel that unfurls and mounts to a camera tripod for instant juice:


In the “miscellaneous” section of his book we have a “rotary umbrella” concept and his killer Public Seating, which appears to use fabric on rollers that stretch out of a wall to provide seating.


Says Fereday of his own work:

One of the major considerations for all work I pursue is to understand and appropriately evaluate the environmental effect of the design outcome. Subsequently a running theme throughout many of my projects has been to use the environmental impact of a design as a positive constraint within my design process.

Check out Fereday’s full book on Coroflot.


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