Today’s I.D. Magazine DesignCast: Designing Products for Emerging Markets

The second in I.D. Magazine’s new series of webcast goes live today at 4:00 pm EST. Presenters Masuma Henry, and Martjin Van Tilburg from Artefact group will discuss the opportunities for and implications of “Designing Products for Emerging Markets.”

Here’s I.D.’s writeup:

As countries such as India and China continue to grow and become more accessible, they represent expanding opportunities for product development. How can product designers create unique and meaningful user experiences for people in these populations? Masuma Henry and Martijn Van Tilburg of the Seattle-based design consultancy Artefact will explain how to do just this, outlining an effective process for developing compelling products for customers in emerging markets.

Drawing from their experience designing technology experiences for these users, they will dispel common misconceptions and reveal practical insights and methods for undergoing this design process. Specifically, they will explain how to conduct the discovery phase, including the planning and execution of fieldwork, remote data collection, and concept generation in the field. They will also demonstrate how to make sense of fieldwork results and how to choose the most relevant concepts to pursue further. They’ll highlight examples of successful and failed products, discuss the reasons for these outcomes, and show examples of their recent work in this exciting space.

The webcast is at 4:00 pm EST TODAY. Registration is $39.99—sign up here.


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