Today at Dezeen Platform: Wrap Magazine

Today at Dezeen Platform: Wrap Magazine

Dezeen Space: WRAP magazine launch their latest issue and two new product ranges at Dezeen Platform at Dezeen Space today.

Today at Dezeen Platform: Wrap Magazine

Wrap is a large-format illustration and design magazine with no staples or stitching so that each sheet can be reused as wrapping paper once it has been read.

Today at Dezeen Platform: Wrap Magazine

The theme for the new issue is ‘dark days, bright nights.’

Today at Dezeen Platform: Wrap Magazine

There is a limited 2000 copy print run, all hand-numbered.

Today at Dezeen Platform: Wrap Magazine

Issue three contains 9 double page illustrations and a perforated back cover that can be turned into notecards.

Today at Dezeen Platform: Wrap Magazine

Wrap will also be launching two new products at Dezeen Space today: Tape Shapes and Wrap Packs.

Today at Dezeen Platform: Wrap Magazine

Tape Shapes are vinyl stickers to be used as an alternative to sticky tape.

Today at Dezeen Platform: Wrap Magazine

Wrap Packs contain a range of materials designed by previous Wrap magazine designers for wrapping presents.

Today at Dezeen Platform: Wrap Magazine

Wrap magazine, Tape Shapes and Wrap Packs are available to purchase at Dezeen Space.

Each day, for 30 days, a different designer will use a one metre by one metre space to exhibit their work at Dezeen Space. See the full lineup for Dezeen Platform here and see all our stories about the work on show here. Watch  movie interviews with each designer on Dezeen Screen.

More about Dezeen Space here.

Dezeen Space
17 September – 16 October
Monday-Saturday 11am-7pm
Sunday 11am-5pm

54 Rivington Street,
London EC2A 3QN

See also:


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