This makes me happy

Having started my digital life in a copy/print shop this sort of ingenuity from small publishers makes me very happy.

Text translated from French via google:

“Today, with the development of digital technologies, it can cost to move from cartoon commercial to home made the creation of editions of quality and experience new ways of creating, saving and dissemination. This field of production and management that BAT editions wishes to explore in its future activities, like other structures of publishing and knowledge of art historical practice. By diverting technology “office” to be appropriated, BAT therefore applies to the editorial and artistic fields. Also, the machines that BAT uses are serving those communities (municipalities, schools …) for short runs regular but sporadic.
Although this method of printing is still done by subcontractors, BAT wishes in the future develop an autonomous system to gather in one place and the same entity all the actors necessary to issue: artists authors and publishers and graphic designers through the printer and distributor. Autarkic system if any, BAT does not contain either. If the collaboration between each of these actors is a key issue, the opening of other artistic fields by working with other structures deemed necessary, both economically and socially and intellectually.
It is also in the sense that the texts published in a register field focusing on hybrid approaches to artistic creation, publishing, theory or art history. ”


–> From a story collection at ManyStuff on independent publishers.

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