This Just Inbox: Porcupine, a reconfigurable chair from felt and fiberglass


Porcupine, a collaboration between Eduardo Benamor Duarte and Caterina Tiazzoldi, is a chair designed explicitly for hotel lobbies, restaurants, airports and other waiting areas. Because the chair is parametrically generated from a logic inspired by the fractal growth of a shell, different versions of it can be produced to precisely fit a room.

The whole thing is surfaced in felt, consisting only of sheets of material, with no crossbracing. The felt, however, is reinforced from the inside with fiberglass which allows it to appear like it’s just sitting there, about to fall over.


The prototypical version of the chair was designed for Experimenta Design Lisboa and will be installed at the Altis Belém Hotel & Spa through November 8th.

More shots after the jump.


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