This Just Inbox: Geometric T-shirts

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a href=””The Strange Attractor/a, a blog of “strange and exceptional art from all over the world,” has produced a collaborative project with several of their contributing authors, entitled a href=””emPattern amp; Shape/em./a/p

pEach a href=””contributor/a designed a pattern for a t-shirt, incorporating a specific geometric shape. The shapes included the astroid, hexagon, isosceles trapezoid (pictured below), parallelogram, arbelos, salinon, square and lozenge. /p

pThe patterns turned out awesomelymdash;images of the full line follow, and you can buy them at the a href=””site/a for $23. /p

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div style=”align: right;”img src=”” width=”468″ height=”425″ alt=”tsa4.jpg”//div/pa href=””(more…)/a
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