Think Pink: Art Directors Club Unveils New Logo

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When it comes to daunting projects fraught with politics and strong opinions, rebranding the 89-year-old Art Directors Club (ADC) is right up there with selecting an official canine mascot for the American Kennel Club. But the ADC has done it—and kept the fur flying to a minimum—thanks to a committee helmed by ADC board members Brian Collins and Jakob Trollbäck. Designed by Trollbäck + Company, the new identity replaces the vertically arrayed acronym that hinted at a fraternal order with a fresh logo that spells out the club’s name in tight text. As for that sizzling hue, you might recognize it as the signature pink of thehappycorp, the recently shuttered company founded by ADC president Doug Jaeger, who is now with TAXI New York. The new logo is indicative of the ADC’s renewed “sense of engagement and vitality,” noted Jaeger. “It will make the club more visible, and is only the beginning of what we are about to do.”

Among the things on the ADC’s to-do list is its annual Designism event, which “explores the responsibilities and experiences of creatives and designers to drive social and political change.” Designism 4.0 takes place next Wednesday, November 18, at the ADC Gallery in New York City. Featured speakers will include charismatic Design Observer Bill Drenttel, Pentagram powerhouse Paula Scher, and Blake Mycoskie, founder and chief shoe giver at TOMS Shoes. Visit the ADC events calendar to register.

UPDATE: Veteran art director and font of knowledge Steven Guarnaccia has helpfully pointed out that the old ADC logo was based on Albrecht Durer‘s monogram. It was designed by Paula Scher.

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