There’s Probably A Better Atheist Bus Response

An alternative response to the atheist bus campaign, created with The Bus Slogan Generator

We shouldn’t be too surprised to learn that Christian groups are planning to respond to the atheist bus campaign which we posted about back in October. They’ve been riled by the on-bus banner that reads “There’s probably no god, so stop worrying and enjoy your life”. Now, thanks to The Bus Slogan Generator, you can come up with your own versions…

Of course, history tells us that some people feel quite strongly about their religious beliefs – so strongly in fact that they need to impose their beliefs on others. Yes, we humans have been merrily slicing, dicing, mutilating, invading, pillaging, raping, torturing, enslaving our neighbouring tribes since time immemorial for the simple reason that they don’t share our credos. How dare they believe the world is round / that there are less than six gods / that the world isn’t supported by a gargantuan bearded chap! (Not forgetting that assorted godless communists and totalitarians have been equally savage and intolerant in dealing with anyone who disagreed or threatened their world view, Ed)

How has the Christian Party responded to this lighthearted squeak of opinion (the original atheist slogan’s use of the word “probably” hardly qualifies it as the most inflammatory of statements) from the usually, let’s face it, quiet and retiring atheists? What pithy slogan has been conjured up to capture the imagination of the world’s ungodly? After, no doubt, much consideration it is: “There definitely is a god”. Ah, bravo!

Oh dear, oh dear. Surely any person with a working brain, a functional use of language and just a mite of enthusiasm for his or her faith could do better than that? Well, fortunately – thanks to a nifty new online gadget The Bus Slogan Generator anyone can come up with their own bus-side theological message. Simply log on and devise your own bus slogans in the privacy of your own homes. For your own amusement. Not to actually post them on a bus or otherwise force them down the necks of our enemies – sorry, I meant fellow world dwellers. Like this:

Can you do better? Send in your efforts to me at the funniest / wittiest / best will be posted up in a follow-up post.

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