The Uniform Project

We’ve talked in the past about uniforms and how having a signature look can reduce clutter in your wardrobe (like Seth Brundle in the movie The Fly). We know that wearing the same outfit every day isn’t for everyone (certainly not for me), but a number of people do pull it off successfully. We’ve recently stumbled upon The Uniform Project and are amazed at the variety Sheena Matheiken is getting from a single dress and a lot of accessories.

Starting May 2009, I have pledged to wear one dress for one year as an exercise in sustainable fashion. Here’s how it works: There are 7 identical dresses, one for each day of the week. Every day I will reinvent the dress with layers, accessories and all kinds of accouterments, the majority of which will be vintage, hand-made, or hand-me-down goodies. Think of it as wearing a daily uniform with enough creative license to make it look like I just crawled out of the Marquis de Sade’s boudoir.

She takes a picture every day of her outfit and posts it online. The simple black dress can be worn either forward or backward, which gives the dress even more versatility. The first image below is the plain dress, and the other two are simply ones I fancied. Check out the website to learn more about the project:

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