The UnBeige Thanks for the Memories Domino Giveaway/Contest


Our friends at Simon & Schuster dropped us a line recently to let us know that they’re sharing the grief from the recent loss of Domino with the rest of us since we heard the news just two weeks ago. And because they published the magazine’s book, Domino: The Book of Decorating, they asked if we’d be interested in celebrating the life of the great glossy by giving away two copies of the book, to which, of course, we said yes. And because we believe that the best way to mourn is in public, we’re going to hold a quickie, informal contest for anyone interest in receiving one of the copies. Simply e-mail us at with your favorite memory of reading Domino, story that meant the most to you, or tip that helped turn your home decorating life around and we’ll pick the top two, publish them here, and send two winners a copy of the book. Sound good? We hope so, because it’s a pretty terrific prize for not a ton of work. You have until the end of the weekend.

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