The Times does info-graphics for iPads

Regular readers may recall we posted about The Times’ interactive World Cup planner iPad app back in June (original post is here). The Times has been steadily commissioning the studio responsible for that app to create easily digestible, interactive info-graphics for their digital readers…

Now we happen to know that CR blog readers like to critique info-graphics at the drop of a hat – so we thought we’d give you the chance to check out a selection of some of the various info-graphics created (specially for The Times’ iPad-using subscribers) by Applied Works, the London-based studio behind the aforementioned World Cup app.

These interactive graphics and applications were created to further enhance various stories or features – and only users of / subscribers to The Times’ iPad app have had access to all of them…

The Times: iPad infographics by Applied Works from Applied Works on Vimeo.

We realise that info-graphics tend to provoke a reaction on this blog similar to spreadable yeast-extract on toast: there’s often a mixture of both love and hate. C’est la vie. However, The Times should be commended on its continuing efforts to engage a digital readership via interactive, onscreen applications.

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