The Super K Sonic Booooum: a design performance by Nelly Ben Hayoun


Nelly Ben Hayoun, creator of the theatrical Soyuz Chair, brings us another hybrid between design, performance, science and amateurism, the Super K Sonic Booooum. The show, taking place at Shunt in London, is described as “a fantastic voyage on a dingy that floats on 50000 tons of extremely pure water where neutrinos interact with electrons in a massive Sonic Boom.” In other words, a simulated tour of the Super K Neutrino Observatory in Japan.

Visitors, who will don wellies and white suits, will board a small dinghy with scientists from the real Super K, who will give a short lecture on particle physics as the boat makes its way through the installation by means of pullies. Throughout the tour, the space will periodically resonate with a “Sonic Boom,” a powerful sound and light show by Hayoun and sound artist Tim Olden.

Sounds pretty spectacular, and if you’re in London, you still have two more days to catch it. More info here.


all photographs by Nick Ballon


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