The ripple effect, embodied in a table for tea

pimg alt=”0ripplefe001.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”507″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pDesigners Jeonghwa Seo and Hanna Chung’s Design Academy Eindhoven grad project is the A HREF=”” Ripple Effect Tea Table/A, surfaced with actual water. The idea is to emphasize the concept that Easterners are generally aware that their actions have ramifications on the larger society as a whole; thus lifting or interacting with your floating saucer here will clearly demonstrate the ripple effect./p

pI think the concept is beautiful, even as I lament the fact that it wouldn’t go over in most Western cultures, or at least in America; and I’m not talking about the impracticality of the water top vis-a-vis our need to have the Blackberry constantly on hand, I’m talking about the passive-aggressive miniature tidal battles that would occur if this thing was in, say, my own household./p

pvia A HREF=”” design boom/Abr /
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