The passing of Julius Shulman, photographer of modernist architecture


That there is a photo of Pierre Koenig’s Case Study House No. 22, notable because it’s considered one of “the most famous architectural pictures ever taken in the U.S.”

Sadly, the man who shot it, Julius Shulman, passed away earlier this week. The 98-year-old Shulman was a famous photographer of modernist architecture–if you’ve ever taken any sort of 20th century design course you’ve definitely seen his work in your lecture hall slideshows. And with clients like Frank Lloyd Wright, Charles Eames, Eero Saarinen and countless others, you’ve undoubtedly seen numerous coffee-table books graced with his images.

For a comprehensive look at this famous shooter’s work, you need look no further than Google Images; for something more curated, check out the L.A. Times’ Julius Shulman slideshow.



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