The Ol Give and Take: Museum Directors Salaries and Americas Top Philanthropists


An interesting peek at the pay stubs of some of your more famous museum heads. Bloomberg reports on the Chronicle of Philanthropy‘s latest pay survey, spending most of their time on the MoMA‘s Glenn Lowry, who has earned between $1.32 million and $1.95 million over the past two years, making him the highest paid in the field. They break it down a bit, explaining his salary, from his bonuses to his other bonuses, and why he chose to take a pay cut when fundraising in the industry started to suffer. Perhaps most interesting is reading the salaries of other tops in the museum business, like former Met director Philippe de Montebello‘s $818k or the Getty‘s James Wood‘s close- to-Lowry’s $1.1 million. In short: if someone offers you a job as a museum director at a world famous museum, we say take it — how hard could it be? Also of interest from the monetary-fact-gathering Philanthropy is their rundown of the top 50 “Americans Who Gave the Most in 2008” which should provide you with plenty of people to try and cozy up to (though probably not the dead ones, of which there are several, unless you have some sort of crazy beyond-the-grave angle you’re wanting to try).

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