The Louvre Retains Its Place as Worlds Most Popular Museum


Last year around this time you might recall that we reported on the Louvre‘s dominance at the most visited museum in all the world for 2007. Now the annual ranking has once again been released and it’s more of the same, at least up top, with the Louvre still bringing them in in record numbers (approximately 8.5 million people). Though down the line there were some changes. The British Museum moved up to second place, the Tate Modern dropped from third to fourth, and finally an American museum got some high visitation, with the National Gallery of Art pulling up in third place (no doubt aided by all the visitors to Washington D.C. for all the inaugural hubbub. And back to the Louvre really quickly, we’re interested to see how 2009 will play out, now that Nicolas Sarkozy has made it free for young people and educators.

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