The little magazine that could…

It has been my first day back at work, mostly responding to the many emails and inquiries that needed my attention. So many of you are interested in contributing and have submitted your blogs and portfolios for review—thank you! You’re a VERY talented group of people. I really appreciate your comments, encouragement and continued interest in the magazine.

There are just a few hundred copies of issue one left! Subscribe soon to ensure that your subscription starts with the first issue (sure to become a collector’s item, if I do say so myself.) If you’ve already purchased a single issue and have decided that you’d like to subscribe, you are more than welcome to do so. Just send us a note to let us know that you already have issue one and your subscription will start with the summer issue, out in early July.

Many thanks to all of you who have blogged about the magazine and helped maintain this momentum. We’re excited about bringing you issue #2. {photo of UPPERCASE magazine in Manos}

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