The Illustrators’ Eye at Central Saint Martins

Bruce Camp, Wilhelm and Mary, 1992. Acrylic portrait. The mole is a reference to the creature believed to be responsible for the death of William of Orange, whose horse allegedly stumbled on a mole hill, throwing him off

If you’re passing Central Saint Martins college in London this weekend then their small show, The Illustrators’ Eye, is worth checking out. It features a selection of work created by students and teachers from the illustration area of the school’s graphics design BA (hons) course between 1981 and 1993, and ends this weekend. Here are some of our highlights… 

Christopher Draper, Clock Face, 1987. Created from the components of a clock, some false teeth

The works belong to Wendy Coates-Smith, illustration subject leader (1981-93), and the show includes her personal favourites that she has collected over the years.

Here are some of ours (and please excuse the camera-phone photography and the occasional, unintentional, self-portrait).

Frazer Hudson, Waiting at a Bus Stop in the Rain / Bus 13, 1993. Editorial work about the relationship between travel and the weather


Steven Martin, Clairvoyance, 1989. Illustration on the experiments scientists have used to try and prove whether clairvoyancy exists


Charles Shearer (ocassional tutor 1989-93), Le Grand Meaulnes, 2002. Lino cut print inspired by the description of the house featured in the novel by Alain-Fournier


Ian Pollock (tutor 1981-2), Commuter in Spectacles, 1982. Pen and watercolour drawing dealing with the experiences of commuters on the London Underground


Britta Teckentrup, All Stripped Down. Inspired by Tom Waits’ song of the same name, this piece portrays an atmosphere of the grotesque, with plenty of seedy characters


Hamish Findlay, “It was an ancient hulk belonging to an Italian line, obsolete, dingy grimed with soot”, 1992. The ‘plate’ used in the illustration process became part of the work and was then used in the relief itself


Julian Drake, Office Personlalities, 1992. Portraits of known psychological types, intended for a magazine feature about power struggles in the office

The final day of the show is this Saturday, 23 May. More details at

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