The Flat-folding ThinBike: Tailor-made for Narrow Spaces

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pThis week, Graham Hill, founder of Treehugger, a href=””introduces his ThinBike/a, a flat folding, full-size, ghostly white urban bicycle that goes from 22 inches across to less than 8, perfect for stashing behind the front door without so much as a grease mark (yes, this thing has a carbon belt drive, requiring no lubrication). /p

pGraham worked closely with a href=””Schindelhauer/a to custom spec a bike that would make Graham’s urban cyclist dreams come true, tracking down a key piece to the puzzle: Speedlifter’s Twist handlebars, that lock to the side when not in use. The pedals also fold, and, at 18 lbs, corners and stairs are probably no real obstacle./p

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pWatch Graham show off all the features of the bike in the video above. Plus, treehugger’s got a whole slideshow and interview to read through a href=””here/a./p

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