The FAB Show in Philly: digital manufacturing showcase


The FAB Show at the Esther M. Klein Gallery in Philadelphia is focused specifically on digitally-based 3D fabrication methods. Though some of the techniques showcased are very prototype-oriented and not quite ready for prime time, the collection should be a good source of inspiration for independent designers and artists who enjoy digital-to-physical experimentation.

Catch the opening tonight, Friday, May 15 (5-8pm), or visit the gallery any Monday Through Saturday from May 15 through July 3, 2009.

From the Klein Gallery website:

Imagine being able to manufacture (almost) anything from your home – or at your office; from ceramic pottery to a custom iPod case. An upcoming show at the Klein Gallery at the Science Center will feature three dimensional works of art and design created from digital data.

The FAB Show will feature several digital fabricators or ‘Fabbers’ – small, self-contained factories that can make almost anything, right on your desktop. Fabbers use 3-D printing technology to create solid objects from digital data. The FAB Show will feature two open-source Fabber projects Fab@Home and MakerBot, along with artists, designers and researchers who are currently using this technology including Sabin+Jones LabStudio, Mark Ganter and Bathsheba Grossman. Throughout the run of this exhibition there will be live demonstrations and scheduled workshops for community members to interact with this emerging technology.


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