The ever-evolving catalogue


An unusual show is currently taking place at the Jerwood Space in London: three artists have taken over the gallery and, starting from nothing, have been building an exhibition over the past month. The catalogue for the show, designed by The Partners, is similarly experimental…



Filmmaker Steven Eastwood, sculptor Jock Mooney and painter Mia Taylor are all working at Jerwood in Laboratory, exposing their art practice to visitors. In order to reflect the unpredictable nature of the show The Partners have created a catalogue that also evolves daily, and neatly combines print with digital media.



The catalogue uses content from the Laboratory blog, where the artists, curator, resident writer, photographer and designers all post updates on the exhibition. Each post on the blog is printed out and then added to the catalogue that is on show at the gallery for visitors to read. As each blog post prints out at a different size, no two pages in the catalogue are alike.



This is the second time that The Partners have worked with the Jerwood:  they created a make-it-yourself catalogue for last year’s Jerwood Show, which featured in the CR Annual. Laboratory is on show at the Jerwood Space until Sunday, but the catalogue will continue to be added to in the days following its closure, documenting the artists’ reflections on the experience. Sixty copies of it will then be packaged as a limited edition run, and people will have the opportunity to sign up for a copy via the blog. A film showing the catalogue so far is shown below.


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