The Big Rethink: four visions of the world tomorrow, and how to shape your company around them

pThe Economist’s a href=””Robin Bew/a, who opened the conference yesterday by reminding us of exactly how deep the s*** is we’re in, posed what are perceived to be the four trends (or challenges for business) that will shape tomorrow’s world. /p

pa href=””Sir George Cox/a (former Design Council Chairman), in his calming, measured, reassuring way, offered some reasons why we shouldn’t all start panicking and freak out. This was a nice reflective antidote to the information overload of the last two days, and perhaps the most genuinely insightful session for those business leaders who had attended to learn what they should be planning for./p

pSo, the 4 Trends: br /
1. the shift to emerging marketsbr /
2. rich world ageingbr /
3. carbon pricingbr /
4. a lack of capital/pa href=””(more…)/a
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