The Alfred Collection

Bloesem Living | The Alfred Collection Linen bedding

Christmas might be over but looking at these shots from the Alfred Collection has really put us in the mood for fine dining and setting the table to perfection. What better way than by using these gorgeous table cloths from the Alfred Collection! They are pure genius. The simple colors and basic lines, such minimal elements that came together to create the perfect setting for your food that will not take away from the beautiful dishes that have taken so much effort to whip up, and yet looks beautiful on its own.

We don't know about you, but these are the perfect excuse to get some friends over for a post-holiday party. It's 2014, the only rule is that there are no rules! Have a dinner party just to bust out these amazing 100% linen goodness

Bloesem Living | The Alfred Collection Linen bedding

Bloesem Living | The Alfred Collection Linen bedding

Bloesem Living | The Alfred Collection Linen bedding


Bloesem Living | The Alfred Collection Linen bedding

Bloesem Living | The Alfred Collection Linen bedding

Bloesem Living | The Alfred Collection Linen bedding

Bloesem Living | The Alfred Collection Linen bedding

{Photo credit: Image no. 4 of plants is by Lily : Image no. 6 of food is by Line Klein : All other images by The Alfred Collection} ps. thanks Véronique for the tip!


.. The Alfred Collection

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