Teague’s redesigned website highlights the old and fabulous

pimg alt=”0bantam.jpg” src=”http://www.core77.com/blog/images/0bantam.jpg” width=”468″ height=”443″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” /br /
That purty piece of ID is the Kodak Bantam Special camera, and no, you can’t buy one; the machined-aluminum and enamel-finished camera was rare even in 1936, when it was produced in a very limited run./p

pSo why would Teague, the ID firm that designed the Bantam, display a product more than 70 years old A HREF=”http://www.teague.com/” on the homepage of their website/A? Becaues they’ve A HREF=”http://ca.sys-con.com/node/1293233″ undergone a recent redesign/A intended to focus more on their history:/p

blockquote”In the past, our website was very focused on our portfolio,” said John Barratt, Teague president and CEO. “We’re extremely proud of the work we’ve done, but we’re equally proud of our history, people and creative culture. This new site shows another side of Teague, one that most people haven’t seen.”/blockquote

pCheck out more of their stuff A HREF=”http://www.teague.com/” here/A.br /
/pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/teagues_redesigned_website_highlights_the_old_and_fabulous_16002.asp”(more…)/a
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