Taking Pictures of People Who Take Pictures of Themselves
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Featuring an array of the Internet’s most devout fashion enthusiasts, “Taking Pictures of People Who Take Pictures of Themselves” is 23-year-old photographer Sidney Lo‘s self-published monograph. The San Francisco native traversed the world to capture a handful of the 60,000 people who responded to the question “What are you wearing today?” with photos of their daily threads on Superfuture‘s message board Supertalk.
Often uploading images with blurred faces, Lo shot previously anonymous Supertalkers in their hangouts, neighborhoods and open spaces alongside their screen names, bringing the online style forum to life.

The three-year-long project spans Singapore to Seattle, with Lo perspicaciously documenting his subjects in their surroundings. Shane “Doctorworm” exudes his wacky wares at the base of a fun slide in Philadelphia, while in Oakland, Onochie “Wesley Pipes” stands before leafy trees in his slightly preppy attire. CH colleague Jose “Onemancult” savors some sorbet on a hot day in the Bronx, sporting his summer style.
Recently celebrated at the Self Edge x Superfuture party in San Francisco, “Taking Pictures of People Who Take Pictures of Themselves” now sells online for $35.
See more images from the book and party in the gallery below.
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