Mod Notebooks: A service that digitizes handwritten notebooks and syncs to the cloud

Mod Notebooks

Writers and illustrators often fill notebook upon notebook with ideas, wordplay, sketches and doodles. Many are then lost to a drawer or a shelf, and the creativity stays locked away. Mod Notebooks has a brand new solution…

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Pensieri sbagliati sulla Street Art

Il writer australiano Lush torna sul tema della street art e lo fa con uno dei suoi celebri schizzi.

Pensieri sbagliati sulla Street Art

Melbourne Writers Festival

Cette belle campagne pour le Melbourne Writers Festival se déroule en Australie. L’idée : plusieurs situations avec 2 niveaux de lecture possibles. Une mise en scène de l’agence JWT sur des clichés de Bronwyn Kidd. Plus d’images dans la suite.



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