Aol Phase 02

Une 2ème série de films pour AOL, dans le cadre du lancement au New Museum à New York et destiné au media web ou au mobile. Commissionné par Wolff Olins NYC, sur une direction artistique et une animation de Matt Pyke / Universal Everything. A découvrir dans la suite.


Previously on Fubiz


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A couple days ago Aol. launched their new brand platform. It was created by Wolff Olins, a brand and innovation consultancy located in London, New York, and Dubai.

The aim of the project is to be “deliberately disruptive, deliberately unlike what is being done by other media businesses. The reason is simple; the media world of today is entirely unlike the media world of yesterday.” The result is a system that caters to everyone (or at least tries to). Wolff Olins created a number of different images and short films (both with real and digital content) that the new word mark sits atop. Some of the results are certainly interesting, some not so much, but I suppose that’s kind of what they were going for?

So far I’m not impressed (it was hard deciding if this one should go under ‘Spanking’ or not). As far as the aesthetic of the new site goes, simply allowing users to change the colour scheme and background image of their home page is a far cry from ground breaking. However, it will be interesting to see how it’s received and the result of any other new Aol. initiatives.