
These would be fun to drive down a smooth country road in Europe somewhere… It’s the Isetta microcar from the mid-1950s. There’s a company recreating electric versions, called the Harrington BB. “The vehicle’s incredibly simple drivetrain has no transmission, relying instead on the wide power band of the wheel-mounted electric motors to provide smooth acceleration. There’s a simple “forward/reverse” lever to choose your direction. They’ve clocked about 800 miles driving the prototype around the streets of Saigon, Vietnam without suffering a breakdown. Its main drawback is speed – it has a top speed of only 30 mph (48 km/h), with a range of approximately 60 miles (96 km) on an 8 hour charge.”

Via Treehugger: “Have we grown so much in fifty years that we couldn’t slow down a bit for safety, and drive such cars again?”

{ 1. Cary Grant, 2. 3. 4. }

Record Sleeves

While trying to find a nice closeup of the vintage Brunswick Records wordmark, I came across the Little Library of Factory Sleeves.

Type Tuesday: Bing

We posted about Bing Crosby at Christmas, so why not Valentine’s? {image from here}

Type Tuesday: Rodchenko Mayakovsky

Thanks, Derek, for this link recommendation. “Rodchenko tells about his collaboration with the poet Mayakovsky on the design of advertising campaigns for several state companies flourishing under the era of the New Economic Policy, which allowed free enterprise, capitalist competition and private patrons from 1921 to 1928, date of the implementation of the First Five Year Plan. … ‘We really were the vanguard of revolutionary art, and each of us in our own field, led the battle for the new Soviet art, even by being against art.'”

Type Tuesday: Hong Kong Stamps

Found this image on A Design Affair.

Type Tuesday: Postage Stamps by Type Designers

The Offices of Kat Ran Press is the website of a book designers, typographers and printers Michael and Katherine Russem. They have been compiling a collection of stamps that were designed by typeface designers. Thanks to Kat Ran Press, you can view the various stamps along with brief biographical information and images of their prominent typeface designs.

Type Tuesday: Berwin Jr. Executive

“The Berwin Jr. Executive Typewriter: the nearest thing to a REAL typewriter in size, appearance, and printing quality”

On ebay for $4.95 (plus shipping)… how could I say no? These photos are just cleaned up images from the seller — I can’t wait to photograph this one and see if it works.