Tumbling through inspiration

I quite like having a tumblr account (I call it my scrapbook)—it is easy to simply add images into the visual log without much effort. Kind of addictive, actually! The images in my tumblr are mainly ones that have influenced the visual direction of UPPERCASE magazine. Colour, pattern, composition, typography, ephemera, photography, illustration, visual motifs, vintage aesthetics…

Dots, balloons, bubbles are a recurring graphic element in issue one and so you will see lots of them in my tumblr. I love the stark, graphic simplicity of these particular images from the Life archive (above) and so I referenced them for a spread in the magazine. I’m certainly not “America’s Next Top Model” but it was fun to create these simple photographs.

Type Tuesday: labels

I found this book many years ago in a used bookshop in Montreal. I’ve always been fond of the classic red-bordered label and this book cover is particularly beautiful. The labels became an inspiration for a recurring design motif in the magazine.

A trip of the imagination

{ 12. }

Rockets of creativity

photography, sewing, writing

Happy Monday

It’s going to be a BUSY week! The stitch show comes down today and preparation for the Treehouse show begins, the Jen11 book is shipping, there’s a huge Eclectonote order to fulfill… not to mention a First Thursday and the release of issue one of UPPERCASE’s magazine! {this image is from my Tumblr Scrapbook, via Glen Mullaly‘s photostream}

Type Tuesday: Flickr’s fantastic

I could get lost in the vintage goodness you can find on Flickr. Here are some images from Pantufla’s sets.

Type Tuesday: more Matchbox labels

Who can resist a matchbox label? The platypus has such an alluring pose!

Type Tuesday: Matt Lee’s Indian Matchbox collection

I always appreciate a good well-document collection. Here’s Matt Lee’s.

Urkel vs Elvis

My vote goes with Urkel.

How it works

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