The Royal Family

Collage artist extraordinaire Aprile Elcich has a new show opening in Toronto on October 16:

“Entitled “The Royal Family”, this mixed media collage series was inspired by a pair of scrapbooks found at the St. Lawrence antique market filled with newspaper clippings of Queen Elizabeth and her family during the 1950’s and 60’s. Aprile’s collages recreate the scrapbooks, changing the composition and adding materials to give each page a deeper meaning. All of these pieces are created on the actual scrapbook pages themselves, resulting in brittle and delicate collages which further the character and feelings of nostalgia in each piece.”

Such as this:

Colour Me In via Cartolleria

Ephemera from Poland

Some great graphics can be found on Above, labels from Polish sewing cotton labels. Below: Jam labels.

And public transport tickets:

The “kolekcja” category contains most of these vintage collections and more. {discovered via Yummy Chummy}

Type Tuesday: Olivetti

See Grain Edit for more images.

Museum of Forgotten Art Supplies

Click here to reminisce.

I’m also a fan!

As you can probably tell, I’m a fan of Grace’s Poetic Home website and her beautiful photography. I was really happy to welcome her as a contributor in the second issue of UPPERCASE magazine and look forward to her future contributions. Thanks, Grace!

Papier Valise

Janice of Papier Valise stopped by this morning with some vintage label treats! She’s working on a paper project that will be published in the Fall issue. Be sure to visit her online shop for an amazing assortment of creative provisions.

Printing Works Like This

Here’s a find from a used bookstore. It was $10 and is apparently signed by the author, published in 1964 and reprinted in 1971.

Type Tuesday: Office Procedures 2000

Can you believe I found this gem in the back alley? Direct from 1977!

Type Tuesday: Little boxes

When Aaron was visiting last month, he brought me these little boxes.