Vienna Design Week 2010: The Bulb Fiction Show

klausengelhorn.jpg Klaus Engelhorn, curator of Bulb Fiction, tries on POLKA’s ‘Perlenlicht’ prototype for size.

In the Hernals neighborhood of Vienna, we visited the Bulb Fiction show at the KlausEngelhorn Depot. Selections from the collections of Klaus Engelhorn and Michael Turkiewicz lighting objects from the late 1960s to the early 1970s were exhibited amongst a range of newly commissioned and contemporary lighting designs by various designers from the present day.

A selection of Vienna-based designers were asked to create a light source loosely based on the question, ‘What will happen to lamp designs when incandescent bulbs run out?,’ suggesting the impending demise of the incandescent lamp and its transition to the energy saving variety.


Vienna Design Week 2010 On-The-Go: The 7 Deadly Sins

Robert Rufs pride.jpg


To celebrate the release of Austrian based print magazine Kursiv‘s 2010 yearbook based on the Die 7 Todsunden (The 7 Deadly Sins) the well established Das Mobel furniture store in Vienna commissioned seven designers to create their own interpretations of one of the seven cardinal sins.”>Robert Ruf
‘s contribution, pictured above, was based on the sin of Pride – a lamp that shines only on to itself!


Vienna Design Week 2010 On-The-Go: The Art of Design


Pscyhe, 2010 by Ulrike Lienbacher

At ak7’s Contemporary Design by Contemporary Artists, International artists collaborate with Tyroloean craftsmen to create a limited number of objects. Very much a show that discusses the growing trend in contemporary design where boundaries between art objects and designed products continue to blur.


Vienna Design Week 2010: Eero Koivisto’s Laboratory Talk


Eero explaining the method of creating durapulp.

One of the first talks of Vienna Design Week was by Eero Koivisto, one of three partners of Claesson Koivisto Rune, a Stockholm based architecture and design practice that was founded almost 17 years ago.

Based in the Kunsthalle, the hub of the design festival, and part of Design Week Laboratory talks, Koivisto shared the ups and downs of designing and developing products. He introduced a number of past projects from their portfolio illustrating the breadth and depth of experiments, prototypes, and manufacturing successes and failures that go into developing any new product.


Vienna Design Week 2010 On-The-Go: The Dyson Design Process


In collaboration with designforum Wien, Dyson celebrates 10 years of Dyson Austria with an exhibition detailing the whole Dyson range since the Ballbarrow, including his new air multiplier. Other highlights are cardboard prototypes and models sliced open to reveal the ways he and his huge R&D team have developed innovative air suction/flow patent.
